INFOCOMM 2025 EXPOSITION: The InfoComm 2025 Contract Terms and Conditions along with these Exposition Rules and Regulations are all considered part of the Exposition Contract. The order for exhibit space, upon acceptance by AVIXA®, Inc. (hereinafter “AVIXA”) and a deposit toward payment of rental charges, constitutes a contract for rental of the space assigned. Any exhibitor failing to occupy its assigned space is not relieved of the obligation to pay the full rental price of such space.
ASSIGNMENT OF SPACE: AVIXA reserves the right to alter the Exhibit Floor Plan and change any space assignments. In such an event, the exhibitor(s) affected will be notified by AVIXA. Exhibitors shall not sublet or share their contracted space or any portion thereof without the prior written consent of AVIXA and if given approval must complete the Exhibitor Share Contract.
INFOCOMM 2025 BOOTH MEMBER PRICING: AVIXA ® offers discounted booth pricing for AVIXA ® members. To be eligible for AVIXA member rates, Exhibitors must be AVIXA members in good standing at the time of contracting. If the Exhibitor is not a member of AVIXA, the Exhibitor can join AVIXA membership at the time of signing this agreement, and the cost of the annual membership dues will be added to the Exhibitor’s InfoComm 2025 invoice. Member dues will be due in full on August 16, 2024. Membership standing does not affect the timing of all space deposit payments indicated above. Member pricing is also tied to booth size and memberships level. Exhibitors with booths 1-500 Sq. Ft. in size require at least a Bronze level membership, exhibitors with booths 501-1,500 Sq. Ft. in size require at least a Silver level membership and exhibitors with 1,501 or greater Sq. Ft. Require a Gold level membership.
SHARING OF SPACE: Exhibitors interested in adding another company to their exhibit in their contracted space(s), at a cost of $3,000 per share, must seek permission from AVIXA® InfoComm Show Management. The sharing company must be either a wholly owned subsidiary of the contracted parent company or a legal partner. Once approved, a contract must be completed and submitted for each additional company sharing the space(s) (maximum of one share per 100 NSF). For distributors shares, the cost is $1,500 per share. For non-profit organization shares, the cost is $500 per share if the shared company was not a primary exhibitor at InfoComm in the last five (5) years.
ADDITIONAL BRAND PROMOTION: Exhibitors may add an additional brand to the digital directory at the cost of $500 per brand (subject to AVIXA® InfoComm Show Management approval). Additional brand names are not displayed on the floorplan and will only be listed alphabetically in the InfoComm digital directory. An additional brand allows an exhibitor to highlight a specific product or brand that will be highlighted in the primary exhibit space. Limit to ten (10) additional brands per exhibitor.
NON-EXHIBITING COMPANIES: NEW FOR INFOCOMM 2025 - AVIXA Show Management will offer select sponsorships at a non-exhibitor rate after the right of first refusal process has concluded. Contact your InfoComm Exposition Account Manager for details.
OCCUPANCY OF SPACE DEADLINE: It is essential that all exhibits be complete and in place by 5:00 p.m. Tuesday, June 10, 2025. Therefore, AVIXA reserves the right, should any rented space remain unoccupied on the opening day of the exposition at 9:00 a.m. or at any time thereafter, to rent or occupy said space; however, this clause shall not be construed as affecting the obligation of the exhibitor to pay the full amount of the rental provided for within the Exhibit Space Agreement nor shall it affect the right of AVIXA to retain as partial liquidated damages the whole or any part of the rental fee received. For the space to be considered occupied during the event exhibitors must staff their InfoComm booth(s) and meeting room(s) during exhibit hours. The final closing time is 4:00 p.m. on the designated last day of the exposition June 13, 2025. No dismantling or packing may begin prior to closing time.
LIGHTING: Show lighting levels will be maintained in all areas of the exhibit halls. InfoComm Show Management will determine lighting levels to be used during setup, teardown, and during the hours the exposition is open. InfoComm Show Management urges exhibitors that require low light conditions to build their exhibits accordingly. If permitted by the facility where the InfoComm exposition is held, an exhibitor may request that InfoComm Show Management order the lights above the exhibitor’s own exhibit booth space be lowered, masked, or extinguished. Island exhibit booth spaces 30’ x 40’ and larger may have the lights above their exhibit booth space extinguished upon advance request. Companies taking space in these exhibit booth spaces should be prepared to supply supplementary lighting for their exhibits, as necessary. The requesting exhibitor bears sole responsibility for any costs associated with changes to and/or re-establishment of lighting levels. InfoComm Show Management reserves the right to order the re-establishment of full lighting for any reason whatsoever, and the costs are to be borne by the exhibitor above whose exhibit space the lighting levels were changed.
DEMONSTRATIONS: As a matter of safety and courtesy to others, exhibitors should conduct sales presentations, product demonstrations, press conferences and other media events in a manner which assures all exhibitor personnel and attendees of such in-booth events are within the contracted exhibit space and not encroaching on the aisles or neighboring exhibits. Any queue lines formed for exhibitor customer interaction must also be contained within the booth footprint. Each exhibitor is responsible for arranging displays, product presentations, audio visual presentations, and demonstration areas to ensure compliance with all other previously listed rules and regulations. Exhibitors should be aware of, and adhere to, local regulations regarding fire/safety and the environment.
SPACE & HEIGHT REGULATIONS: Exhibits must be confined to the exact space allocated. Height limitations and other restrictions pertaining to the design of exhibits and the use in the exhibit booth space of pedestals, tables, racks, shelves, risers, and similar display equipment are described in detail under “Types of Exhibits” and “Special Provisions.” Note: Where an exhibitor’s display is built beyond the limitations and restrictions as set forth in this contract, InfoComm Show Management reserves the right to correct such display violations by having the exhibitor alter, remove, or rearrange any or all the display at its expense so that it will comply with regulations. Exhibitors are not permitted to carpet the aisle space between any adjoining exhibit booth spaces; nor may exhibitors bridge the aisle between such adjoining spaces with truss, banners, exhibit displays, products, lighting instruments, etc. If the exhibitor is not available to make such corrections, then it does agree as part of this contract to give InfoComm Show Management the authority to make all necessary corrections at the exhibitor’s expense. In cases where the reverse side of an exhibitor’s backwall, sidewall, riser, or display, is exposed to view, such portion of this display must be suitably draped with fireproof materials so that no part of the display construction, electrical wiring, or the like, can be seen from the aisles or adjoining exhibit booth spaces belonging to other exhibitors. Exhibitors requiring back wall(s) to be exposed to properly show the product will be permitted. Exposed back walls must look professional and all cables, wires and alike must be tidy and organized. Should Show Management deem anything unsafe or untidied, exhibitors will need to correct at their own expense. Flying, exposed back walls must be suitably draped with fireproof materials so that no part of the display construction, electrical wiring, or the like, can be seen from the aisles or adjoining exhibit spaces belonging to other exhibitors. Circulars, publications, advertising matter, and all kinds of promotional
giveaways may be distributed only within exhibit booth spaces. Nothing can be posted on, tacked, nailed, taped, screwed in, or otherwise attached to columns, walls, floors, or other parts of the building or furniture. Signs, trusses, rails, etc., will not be permitted to intrude into or over aisles. The maximum allowable height of exhibit displays, drapery, scrim, screens, and hanging signs within island exhibit spaces 400 sq. ft. or larger is limited by ceiling height and restricted by the physical height limitations of overhead structure(s) and/or by the Convention Center's policies. For exhibit spaces less than 400 sq. ft., inline, and corner exhibit booth spaces, the maximum allowable height will be 8 feet (the same as the backwall drape height). Perimeter exhibit spaces shall have a maximum allowable height of 12 feet. For special consideration, please submit a Booth Variance request form to InfoComm Show Management.
BADGES FOR EXPOSITION: Badges for the exposition will be issued free of additional charge for exhibiting companies and their employees. Each badge will be issued in the name of one person only; a badge may be exchanged at the Registration Desk should an exhibitor wish to change personnel during the exposition. If requested, InfoComm Show Management will issue a replacement badge for such badges bearing the name of the wearer. All badges picked up by an exhibitor are their responsibility. All persons working in the exhibitor’s space(s) are the responsibility of the contracted exhibitor during all show hours, including move-in, and move-out. Exhibitors must register all their dealers and independent representative personnel they wish to grant access to the exhibitor’s contracted spaces during non-show hours. The lending of badges is prohibited whether to employees of the exhibitor, to unregistered dealers, reps, end users or to any person wishing to enter the exposition, regardless of the length of time they wish to remain. Companies whose employees engage in this unauthorized practice are liable for the on-site registration fees of persons so admitted, confiscation of the subject badges and loss of the company priority position for space at the next exposition. Absolutely NO ONE under the age of 16 shall be allowed in the exposition halls or show floor during exposition days and teardown. No exceptions will be made due to safety and liability concerns. No strollers shall be permitted at any time on the show floor.
CHARACTER OF EXHIBITS: Each exhibitor shall display or exhibit only articles of merchandise of said exhibitor’s own manufacture or for which said exhibitor is the representing agent. AVIXA reserves the right to judge the appropriateness of any exhibit and to decline to permit an exhibitor to conduct or maintain an exhibit if, in the judgment of InfoComm Show Management, said exhibitor or exhibit, proposed exhibit, or exhibitor’s products and/or services shall in any respect be deemed unsuitable. This reservation relates to persons, conduct, articles of merchandise, printed matter, souvenirs, catalogs, displays, and all other things, without limitation, which affect the character of the exposition. No motion picture, film, video and/or computer software, which in the sole judgment of InfoComm Show Management, is of an illicit, pornographic, or otherwise unsuitable nature may be shown or displayed from exhibit booth spaces on the InfoComm show floor at any time. If AVIXA determines that the conduct of any exhibitor, or its employees, or agents, is not in keeping with the character of the exposition, AVIXA or InfoComm Show Management, may at any time, without notice, terminate the contract for space entered with said exhibitor, and, with or without process of law, remove exhibitor, its employees, agents, and all the property of the exhibitor, from the space contracted for and from the exposition without refund. No exhibitor shall have any right or claim against AVIXA on account of any action so taken. The determination of InfoComm Show Management as to the suitability of any exhibitor, exhibit, or proposed exhibit, or as to whether any exhibit or the conduct of any person is in keeping with the character of the exposition, shall in each instance be final.
FLOOR COVERINGS: All booths must be fully carpeted or furnished with an acceptable floor covering (i.e., foam tiles, linoleum, etc.). The concrete floor must be covered, materials should be easy to remove, and it shall not damage the show floor, nor pose a safety hazard. The exhibitor must carpet or cover the full contracted space, regardless of whether that full space is used. If an exhibitor fails to carpet its full space, InfoComm Show Management will arrange for carpeting at the exhibitor’s expense. Flooring must comply with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and be made with fire retardant material. Further information regarding ADA compliance is available at
EXHIBITOR PERSONNEL ATTIRE: InfoComm Show Management is committed to creating an exposition environment where everyone can feel comfortable and welcome. Professional, business, or business casual attire is recommended and encouraged for all exhibitor personnel at the InfoComm Show.
InfoComm Show Management reserves the right to determine appropriate exhibitor/presenter attire. If an exhibit, its contents and/or exhibitor personnel are deemed objectionable by Show Management, the exhibitor may be asked to alter its exhibit and/or the attire of its employees and/or exhibit staff. If necessary, the exhibitor may be asked to remove the objectionable exhibit display, materials, or individual(s) in question at the exhibitor's sole expense. Exhibitors with questions about compliance with these guidelines should consult with InfoComm Show Management beforehand. InfoComm Show Management reserves the right to discontinue any activity and escort individuals off the show floor that do not comply with the above and/or are deemed unprofessional by InfoComm Show Management at its sole discretion.
AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA): Exhibiting companies are required to follow the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and are encouraged to be sensitive and as accommodating as possible in their booth designs. For additional information, go to:
AVIXA HARASSMENT STATEMENT: This statement applies to speakers, staff, volunteers, guests, members, contractors, exhibitors, government, and attendees. AVIXA, the owner of InfoComm, is committed to providing a professional environment free from physical, psychological, and verbal harassment. AVIXA will not tolerate harassment of any kind, including but not limited to harassment based on ethnicity, religion, disability, physical appearance, gender, or sexual orientation. This policy applies to all participants and attendees at AVIXA conferences, meetings, and events. Harassment includes offensive gestures and verbal comments, deliberate intimidation, stalking, following inappropriate photography and recording, sustained disruption of talks or other events, inappropriate physical contact, and unwelcome attention. Participants requested to cease harassing behavior are expected to comply immediately, and failure will serve as grounds for revoking access to the AVIXA event. Attendees, speakers, staff, volunteers, guests, members, and contractors are encouraged, but not required, to inform the harasser that their conduct is unwelcome. Regardless of whether the harasser is directly confronted, speakers, staff, volunteers, guests, members, contractors, attendees must promptly report the conduct to AVIXA event management or any on-site AVIXA management, to enable AVIXA to investigate and address the conduct. AVIXA staff will help participants contact convention center/hotel/venue security or local law enforcement, and otherwise assist those experiencing harassment to enable them to feel safe for the duration of the event. When notified of individuals engaging in harassing behavior, AVIXA may take any action they deem appropriate, ranging from a simple warning to expulsion from the current and/or future AVIXA meetings, conferences, and events. Decisions to ban individuals from future AVIXA events are the sole discretion of AVIXA.
SOLICITATION IN THE EXPOSITION: The aisles and other spaces in the exposition not leased to exhibitors shall be under the control of InfoComm Show Management. All displays, interviews, conferences, distribution of literature, lectures or any type of activity shall be conducted inside the contracted space(s). Standing in the aisles, in front of or blocking other exhibitors’ exhibit spaces, or the intercepting of those in attendance for advertising purposes, is prohibited. Exhibitors may, upon prior approval of InfoComm Show Management, apply to sponsor a marketing opportunity for a fee at the event that may permit the distribution of collateral to attendees outside of the exhibit halls and/or Convention Center. Such marketing opportunities shall be limited and vary each year. Please contact InfoComm Show Management with questions and to seek approval. Decisions made by InfoComm Show Management as to which opportunities will be available and which exhibitors are approved will be final and in its sole discretion.
Exhibitors may show, discuss, explain, or demonstrate items or services, but shall not make sales that result in the delivery of merchandise and/or the exchange of money in the exposition halls. Persons connected with non-exhibiting concerns are prohibited from any dealing, exhibiting, or soliciting within the exposition. Exhibitors are urged to immediately report violations of this latter rule to InfoComm Show Management.
COPYRIGHTS, ROYALTIES AND TRADEMARKS: It is the Exhibitor's sole responsibility to obtain and pay for all applicable licenses and permissions before any moving or still image, computer software, sound recording, artwork, printed material, or other item bearing or embodying a copyright, trademark, patent, publicity right or other intellectual property is displayed, performed, reproduced, modified, or distributed, in whole or in part, at or from the contracted space. Exhibitor affirms that all necessary licenses and permissions have been or will be obtained prior to using the contracted space. Exhibitor agrees to indemnify and hold the Convention Center, AVIXA and its officers, agents, and employees harmless from all claims, losses, and damages (including court costs and reasonable attorney's fees) arising out of Exhibitor's use of copyrighted materials.
INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY POLICY: AVIXA condemns counterfeiting and infringement. AVIXA is committed to the principle that intellectual property (IP) rights are to be respected, and that the use of intellectual property rights without the consent of the owner or otherwise pursuant to law violates rights of authors, inventors, and corporations. Copyrights, trademarks, patents, and other forms of intellectual property are protected by state and federal laws in the United States and by the laws of other countries. At AVIXA, we believe that inventors, manufacturers, publishers, and other creators and owners of intellectual property are entitled to protect their rights in accordance with the law.
Exhibitor affirms that, to the best of its knowledge, it has the legal authority for its use of any intellectual property associated with any product or promotional material that it will display, offer, or otherwise use in its contracted space(s) at the trade show/event, and it will not knowingly infringe the intellectual property rights of another party.
A. IP Owners' Requests and Notification of Exhibitors:
- IP Owners or their representatives (“IP Owners”) shall notify InfoComm Show Management of their intention to attend the identified exhibition seven calendar days prior to the commencement of the show.
- IP Owners must communicate in writing, by email and personal delivery, with the individual responsible for exhibit coordination and, if possible, with the exhibitor's legal department to inform them that:
- The IP Owner has reason to believe that the exhibitor will display infringing products at the exhibit booth or within a meeting space and/or the IP Owner plans to visit the exhibitor’s space.
- If the IP Owner finds infringing products at the booth or within the meeting space(s), the exhibitor may be asked to remove the infringing products from the display.
B. Intended Visits: One week before the event, IP Owners will provide InfoComm Show Management with a list of exhibitors that it intends to visit. IP Owners are responsible for obtaining and paying for any translation services needed for the visit.
C. Rules for Visiting Exhibits: Upon request from the IP Owner or exhibitor, visits may take place with an authorized Show Management representative. To ensure that the visits are conducted in an appropriate manner, the following rules will be observed:
- IP Owners and exhibitors must be civil and courteous. Loud, offensive, or embarrassing confrontations are not permitted. Exhibitors may not be verbally or physically threatened or abused.
- The IP Owner can advise an exhibitor that if the exhibitor refuses to remove infringing products, the IP Owner may seek a court injunction against the exhibitor. However, an IP Owner may not remove or attempt to remove the infringing products from the exhibit booth and/or meeting space(s)
- IP Owners are strongly encouraged to limit the size of the groups visiting exhibit booths and/or meeting spaces to no more than two company representatives, one translator, if applicable, and one attorney.
- If possible, IP Owners should bring with them a list of all their approved licensees.
D. Violations: Violations of these procedures can result in the immediate suspension or cancellation of a scheduled appointment and the revocation of an IP Owner's permission to be present at the InfoComm Show.
FIREPROOFING: No combustible decoration, such as crepe paper, tissue paper, cardboard, or corrugated paper, shall be used at any time. All packing containers, excelsior, and wrapping paper are to be removed from the floor and must not be stored under tables or behind displays. Muslin, velvet, silken, or any cloth decorations must stand a flameproof test as prescribed by the ordinance of the Convention City. All materials used in exhibit construction, decoration, or as a temporary cover MUST BE CERTIFIED AS FLAME RETARDANT or a sample must be available for testing. Areas enclosed by solid walls and ceiling must be provided with APPROVED SMOKE DETECTORS.
TYPES OF EXHIBITS: Booth structures and elements must be maintained within the officially contracted confines of your exhibit space and must not protrude into the aisles. This includes all audio and projection equipment, speakers, etc., these elements must be directed into your booth, not towards the aisles or neighboring exhibitors. There will be no exceptions made to this rule on-site. Doors are not allowed to open into the aisles and must open within the confines of the exhibit space. Rigging is not permitted in inline & linear booths (10x10, 10x20, 10x30, 10x40, etc.) Endcaps are also not permitted. All
exhibiting companies must comply with all local fire ordinances of the Convention City. Should you be required to alter your exhibit, AVIXA will not be responsible for any costs to make an exhibitor’s exhibit display compliant with local regulations. If required, an engineering certification of structural integrity must be submitted to InfoComm Show Management 60 days (about 2 months) prior to the show opening. Line-of-Sight display rules provide restrictions on certain areas of booths to allow attendees to view neighboring booths in their line of sight as they walk the floor. There are a variety of booth types, and each one is addressed below with specific insight on how to implement Line-of-Sight regulations. The following types of exhibits have been approved. Any deviation must be submitted in writing to InfoComm Show Management for clearance before May 6, 2025.
- ONE-AISLE EXHIBIT BOOTH SPACE: The back wall, including signs, must not exceed 8' in height. The side walls may be at the maximum 8’ height limit for 5’ from the back wall towards the aisle. The height of the side walls must be lowered to 48” for the remaining distance to the aisle. This type of display is permitted anywhere in the exhibit hall. Note: If located on a perimeter, a one-aisle exhibit booth space may go to 12' in height.
- ONE-AISLE EXHIBIT BOOTH SPACE (with canopy): A canopy may be added to the standard one-aisle exhibit booth space provided: the canopy does not exceed the 8' maximum height limitation or 9' at its apex; the bottom edge of the canopy is at least 86 inches from the floor; uprights needed to support the canopy are constructed in such a manner as not to obstruct the view of neighboring exhibits and not larger than 2 inches x 2 inches; and, the other restrictions pertaining to one-aisle exhibit booth spaces are met. This type of display is permitted anywhere in the exhibit hall.
- TWO-AISLE EXHIBIT BOOTH SPACE: All restrictions are the same as for one-aisle exhibit booth space and for one-aisle exhibit booth space with canopy.
- ISLAND EXHIBIT BOOTH SPACE: (Minimum 400 NSF) This is a free form display offering maximum flexibility by eliminating the usual restrictions on exhibit booth space dimensions. The maximum allowed height of hard wall exhibit displays is limited to 24’ except where restricted by the physical height limitations of overhead structure(s) and/or by the Convention Center's policies. The 24’ height limit does not include hanging signs and/or truss, drapery, lights, etc. flown over island exhibit spaces. Please review the Height Restrictions Floor Plan in the Exhibitor Service Manual or contact InfoComm Show Management if the Service Manual is not yet available for details concerning the ceiling height clearances throughout the exhibit hall(s). Exhibit booth space fixtures and display items may be placed anywhere inside the exhibit booth space perimeter. Overhead signs, display structures, trusses, projectors, projection screens, videowalls and/or other equipment suspended above any island exhibit booth space must be professionally and safely rigged in accordance with all local union authority and life safety policies in effect at the Convention Center and must be arranged through InfoComm's official General Contractor. Any overhead sign, projection screen or similar display material and/or equipment hung from the ceiling of the building must be at least 4’ above the tallest part of the exhibit booth space. Any structure deemed to be unsafe and/or inappropriate by either InfoComm Show Management or the Convention Center authorities must be altered and/or taken down at the exhibitor's expense. “See through” exhibits are encouraged. Any portion of the booth facing an aisle must be finished. All exhibit booth spaces must be done in good taste and in keeping with the theme of InfoComm 2025.
- MULTI-LEVEL EXHIBIT BOOTH SPACE: Please contact InfoComm Show Management for rules and regulations concerning double-decker island exhibit booth space structures. Smoke detectors and fire extinguishers must be installed on the ground level of such exhibits. The above descriptions depict almost any situation. If your exhibit plans are not defined by these examples, contact InfoComm Show Management for clarification.
Management will not approve unsafe exhibit construction, or any that obstructs the visibility of other exhibitors, or encroaches upon the aisles or other exhibit areas. All exhibit booth space dividers must be finished on both sides unless the neighboring exhibitor agrees to decorate the area exposed to this exhibit booth space. Please be sure to make these rules known to your decorator or display builder.
SPECIAL PROVISIONS: Pedestals, tables, racks, shelves, risers, and similar display equipment may not exceed 48” in height when positioned more than 5' from the back wall of a single-aisle exhibit booth space or the center line of a three-aisle exhibit booth space, unless the same company occupies 8' of exhibit booth space on both sides of the unit or units. The maximum height for such items under these circumstances, including the product being displayed, is 66”. Free-standing units, including those intended to be the focal point in an exhibit, may not exceed 48” in height when placed more than 5' from the back wall of the exhibit booth space unless the same company occupies 8' of exhibit booth space on both sides of the unit or units. The maximum dimensions for such items under these conditions are 8’ high x 32” wide x 32” deep. Except for island exhibit booth spaces, the standard height for all exhibits is 8'. All dimensions indicated are outside measurements. Consult your contract for size of exhibit space and build your display to fit inside this area. Exhibit booth space back walls, including identification signs and decorations, must not exceed 8' in height. Check the Height Restrictions Floor Plan in the Exhibitor Service Manual floor plan for ceiling height at your exhibit booth space location(s).
USE OF EXHIBIT SPACE: Exhibitors planning to construct any part of their exhibit above the exhibit height limitation must obtain approval in writing from InfoComm Show Management at least 60 days (about 2 months) prior to the official opening of the exhibits. A sketch of the proposed construction shall be submitted when requesting approval. All signs including graphics, photographs, and other advertising matter connected with an exhibitor’s exhibit booth must be within the assigned exhibit booth space’s boundaries. NO STORAGE OF ANY KIND IS ALLOWED BEHIND BOOTHS OR NEAR ELECTRICAL SERVICE EQUIPMENT. Materials for handouts must be limited to one-day supply and stored neatly within the booth. IF NOT REMOVED BY SHOW OPENING, SHOW DECORATOR WILL REMOVE AND STORE AT THE EXHIBITOR’S EXPENSE. No signs of any type are permitted outside of an assigned exhibit space. Lighting devices may be demonstrated on a wall, floor, or ceiling within the Events & Entertainment area, only if the lights/lasers do not impede other exhibitors. Lighting devices are not to be continuous and can only be displayed on surfaces mentioned above for customer demonstrations. NO logos are to be projected. Written permission from InfoComm Show Management is required for the continuous operation of any flashing light device, floodlight, laser light, which may impact neighboring exhibitors.
SOUND VOLUME LEVELS: Exhibitors operating sound reproducing equipment will be expected to keep the sound volume level emanating from their exhibits below 85-decibels to avoid disturbing other exhibitors. InfoComm Show Management reserves the right to turn off the electric supply of any exhibitor who violates this rule. Exhibitors who wish to operate sound systems at volumes above 85-decibels are required to use an audio demo room off the show floor or to utilize a sound room within their exhibit space on the show floor. In either case, the cost of rental for an audio demo room or sound room within the exhibitor’s space is at the exhibitor’s sole expense. Exhibitors who fail to comply with directions from InfoComm Show Management to reduce the sound volume level in their exhibit space are subject to having their exhibit shut down and/or removed from the show floor without refund.
BEFORE SHOW HOURS PRESS CONFERENCES AND FUNCTIONS WITHIN EXHIBIT SPACES: Exhibitors may be permitted, with 30 days (about 4 and a half weeks) advance notice to InfoComm Show Management and with InfoComm Show Management’s approval, to conduct press conferences, product briefings, dealer and/or staff training sessions, or other VIP customer product previews prior to show hours on show days only and within their exhibit spaces on the show floor. The hours for such functions shall be from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. on show days, June 11-13, only press conference functions shall be permitted in exhibit booth spaces. Exhibitors are responsible for the conduct of their guests at all times and shall be required to coordinate their activities with InfoComm Show Management and the official security contractor to arrange for guard service to ensure that their guests stay within the confines of the exhibitor’s exhibit booth space during such pre- show hour events. Exhibitors shall be required to provide a guest list for such functions in advance to InfoComm Show Management and provide exhibitor staff to escort their guests from a designated exhibit hall entrance to their exhibit booth space. Food and beverage for such functions must be arranged through the official convention center caterer and all food tables, chairs, trash, and other decorations used for such functions that are not part of the exhibitor’s display must be removed prior to the show opening. InfoComm Show Management reserves the right to approve or disallow any exhibitors’ non-show hour events held at the Convention Center at its sole discretion.
AFTER HOURS EVENTS: NEW FOR INFOCOMM 2025 - Exhibitors securing 400 NSF or larger may be permitted, with 30 days (about 4 and half weeks) advance notice to Show Management and with InfoComm Show Management’s approval, to conduct after show hours events within their exhibit space on the show floor from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. on June 11 or June 12 only. All guests must be registered InfoComm attendees and have an official InfoComm badge. Guests must remain in the host space during the event. Exhibitors must hire at least one (1) security guard for every 25 guests. Proof of security is
required before approval is granted. Security must be placed 15 minutes prior and 15 minutes following the event. Security must escort all remaining guests out of the exhibit area 15 minutes after the event. The exhibitor must provide a full guest list to InfoComm Show Management at least 48 hours (about 2 days) before the event. Once your event is approved, Show Management will email a confirmation noting a designated entrance for your guests. This is the only location at which your guests will be allowed to enter. It is important to note that hotel shuttles will only run for one (1) hour after the show closes at 5:00 p.m.
FOOD AND NON-ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES: may be distributed from exhibit booth spaces. All food and beverage must be purchased from the official convention center food service provider. Popcorn machines are prohibited.
ALCOHOL POLICY: Exhibitors with island exhibit spaces 400 NSF and larger may choose to have alcohol served within the confines of their exhibit spaces for up to two hours each show day between the hours of 11:30 a.m. and the close of the show. However, such alcohol service must be arranged through the official Convention Center caterer. Exhibitors wishing to serve alcohol must submit written requests before the show and be approved by InfoComm Show Management. Exhibitors serving alcohol within their exhibits assume all responsibility, liability, and expense for such alcoholic beverage distribution. Alcohol will not be consumed on the show floor during move-in, pre-show hours or during teardown. Exhibitors may also serve alcohol off the show floor within meeting spaces at the Convention Center or at off-site hotel properties for hospitality purposes, provided such distribution is also arranged through the facilities’ official caterer(s). Exhibitors serving alcohol will be held responsible for their personnel and guests' conduct. Any exhibitor personnel or attendees deemed to be intoxicated shall be removed from the show at InfoComm Show Management’s sole discretion.
SHOW PHOTOGRAPHY/VIDEOGRAPHY: Due to the sensitive nature of new products and unique booth displays at the show, professional photography and/or video recording for commercial purposes of any booth by any attendee or exhibitor personnel is prohibited. Exceptions are made only when permission is obtained from the exhibitor whose exhibit or product is being photographed or videotaped and all individuals appearing in the photograph or video. Photography and videography on the show floor by attendees for personal use or by registered press for editorial purposes is acceptable; however, exhibitors reserve the right to bar photographs or video from being taken within their exhibit spaces at their sole discretion. Attendees or exhibitor personnel refusing to comply with the above policy may be asked to leave the show.
LIABILITY AND INSURANCE: Although the Convention Center and AVIXA will exercise reasonable care for the protection of exhibitor’s materials, equipment and exhibit booth space display, neither AVIXA (including its officers, staff members, agents, representatives, members of its Exhibitor Advisory Committee or any individuals or firms retained by it to assist in exhibit work) nor the Convention Center (including its officers, staff members, agents, owners, employees, representatives, members of its Convention Committee, and any individuals or firms retained by it to assist in exhibit work) shall be responsible or liable for any bodily injury or property damage, loss, or destruction that may occur to the exhibitor or to any of the exhibitor’s employees, personnel, or property, prior to, during or subsequent to exhibitor’s use and occupancy of the exhibit booth space during the period of time contracted for hereunder. The exhibitor, in executing this agreement, expressly agrees to hold AVIXA and the Convention Center, as well as the individuals, firms, and committees specified above, harmless from and to indemnify same against any claims for any such bodily injury and/or property damage, loss or destruction arising from the exhibitor's acts or omissions. Said indemnification to include the cost of reasonable attorney’s fees incurred in the defense of any claim, clause, or judgment arising from such injury and loss, damage, or destruction. Exhibitor further agrees to hold AVIXA harmless from and to indemnify it against any claims, causes, actions, judgments, or other legal proceedings, including the cost of reasonable attorney’s fees incurred in the defense of AVIXA against such proceedings, which arise out of the failure of the exhibitor to pay any royalty fee due for the performance, by whatever means, of copyrighted music or for the exhibition of copyrighted films/videos by exhibitor at his exhibit booth space or during the time of occupancy of the exhibit booth space contracted for hereunder. As a courtesy, security service will be provided on a 24-hour basis for the duration of the subject exhibit. It must be emphasized, however, that exhibitors desiring to carry insurance on their exhibits must acquire and maintain same at their own expense. Moreover, exhibitors desiring special security precautions should arrange for private guard service, if desired, or should decide to have locked facilities available in their exhibit booth spaces for the storage of display materials or products. Exhibitors are responsible for the security of their exhibit materials and products from the time such are delivered to their exhibit spaces until they are removed during move-out.
Exhibitor Certificate of Insurance Policy: In Pursuant to this policy, all exhibitors and their decorators must carry liability insurance and comply with the Orange County Convention Center rules applicable to exhibit hall construction, installation and dismantle. Exhibitors shall, at their sole cost and expense, provide coverage through June 13, 2025, comprehensive general liability insurance against claims for bodily injury or death and property damage occurring in or upon or resulting from AVIXA leased property, Orange County Convention Center. This insurance shall include contractual and product liability coverage with combined single limits of not less than $1,000,000. The policy shall be named AVIXA, The Orange County Convention Center and The Freeman Companies as additional insurers and exhibitors shall provide certificate so indicating. Exhibitors unable to provide Certificates of Insurance as stated above will be removed from the event without a refund of any monies paid. AVIXA will not be held responsible or liable for any loss, damage, or injury within an exhibitor’s booth space whatsoever. AMOUNT: $1,000,000.00
Please upload your Certificate of Insurance in your Exhibitor Dashboard (within the Exhibitor Resources Tile) by Wednesday, April 30, 2025.
QUESTIONS? Please contact InfoComm Show Management at +1.703.273.7200 or
What is a certificate of insurance? A Certificate of Insurance is often used in the commercial context as proof of an insurance policy. This certificate, issued by your insurance company, is usually a summary of the essential terms, conditions, and duration of the contract of insurance that is in effect between the insured(s) and the insurer.
What is “Additional Insured”? When an insured is using a third party’s facility, the owner will ask that evidence of insurance be provided naming them as an additional insured. The certificate is a statement that the third party will be covered for property damage and general liability for an event or use of a facility. The insured's coverage will be primary for any organization listed as an additional insured.
Why should we list the dates and location of our events on a certificate? We list dates when we are using a facility for an event. The insured is responsible for property damage and liability only during the dates on the certificate.
Where can we get such insurance? A certificate of insurance is commonly available from most general liability business insurance carriers. In addition, InfoComm Show Management will supply a list of trade show insurance providers in the Exhibitor Service Manual that may be contacted by exhibitors for such coverage. AVIXA is not affiliated with any insurance providers to be listed, nor has any financial interest in any insurance program coverage offered by such providers.
ON-FLOOR MEETING ROOMS: NEW FOR INFOCOMM 2025 – Companies interested in participating at InfoComm may contract an on-floor meeting room without an exhibit space. For further inquiries regarding on-floor meeting room space and pricing please contact your InfoComm Sales Account Manager.
OFF-FLOOR MEETING ROOMS: To secure an off-floor meeting room for 3-5 days during InfoComm, exhibitors must secure a minimum of 1,000 NSF of exhibit space. For meeting space request rentals for 2 days, exhibitors must secure a minimum of 600 NSF of exhibit space. Requests & assignments for 2-day rentals will be reviewed & assigned based on available inventory made no later than Thursday, April 3, 2025. For exhibitors requesting meeting space who have less than 500 NSF of exhibit space, may be assigned a single day meeting space once all requests for 2-5 days are fulfilled no later than Thursday, April 3, 2025. The maximum number of rooms an exhibitor may reserve is three (3).
OFF-FLOOR AUDIO DEMO MEETING ROOMS: Current exhibitors requesting an Audio Demo Room must meet the minimum exhibit space requirement of 400 NSF. The maximum number of audio demo rooms an exhibitor may reserve is three (3).
MISCELLANEOUS REGULATIONS: AVIXA reserves the right to determine the eligibility of any company to exhibit. AVIXA reserves sole control over admission policies. Exhibitors may conduct drawings for prizes within their exhibit area if done in a dignified manner and in compliance with all local ordinances. These regulations are established for the mutual protection of AVIXA and the exhibitor. InfoComm Show Management reserves the right to make such changes in the time schedule or in the general plan of the exposition show floor exhibits layout as may be deemed by InfoComm Show Management to be in the best interests of exhibitors and the exposition.
RESPONSIBILITY: It is the responsibility of the exhibiting firm to be fully familiar with these Exposition Rules and Regulations and to see that each member of the firm attending the exposition, either as exhibit personnel or delegate or both, is also
familiar with these Exposition Rules and Regulations. Distribution of the Exposition Rules and Regulations to all exhibitor personnel and their contractors present for the exposition is recommended.
CONTACT: All inquiries, waivers, concerns, etc. regarding the exposition or the Exposition Rules and Regulations should be sent to Account Services via email or phone: Email: | Phone: +1.703.273.7200